
Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Feynman Lectures Online

Office 2007 is an abomination, with defaults in every app seemingly all set to 'Annoy Eric'. But here's Bill Gates doing good work. He put a bunch of Feynman videos online from 1964. Thanks Bill. You need to watch this using IE (of course).


  1. I'm pretty sure I watched the Feynman lectures using Firefox on Windows - just install the Silverlight plugin.

    I also tried accessing it via FF/Linux; even though an open source version of the Silverlight plugin exists, MS won't let me into the Tuva site with that plugin.

  2. However, you can on a Mac with FF. Also, Office 2007 is way better than previous versions. You just don't like it because you're used to the older design. I used to be, have learned to like it better.

  3. Gates putting his pick next to feynman.

    What a Whore!

  4. Anonymous3:12 AM

    stop using ms windows.

    start using bsd.

    if you are a math wiz it has what you need.

    if you absolutely must use an office app (yes, we all have to at sme point), e.g. before presenting to an audience, you stil do that, at the end of the project. you can run windows in a window inside bsd, using qemu.

    well, that should give you some vocabulary to look up.
    of all operating systems, bsd sucks the least.

    i wish i never stumbled on this blog. what am doing here??
    i'm hooked. stupid google.
