So I'm looking at Irrational Exuberance, 2nd edition, written in 2005. There's a neat graph of housing prices from 1890 to 2005, and there is a sharp increase in the years 1997-2005. But then there's lots of 'buts', 'ifs', and 'yets': prices went up a lot after WW2 and didn't collapse, the rise is much less than the internet bubble, etc. The most definitive statement he makes is that 'housing is looking like a bad long-term investment relative to the stock market'...but then immediately qualifies this by noting the tax benefits of owning a home, and the implicit dividends of living in a home.
He was intrigued about the home price increase, but that's about it. He gave the typical economist 'on the one hand...on the other hand...' prediction. He was not 'short housing', just wary about its long run investment potential, which one could say about everything.
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Date : 03/09/08
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now shiller? falkenstein is an absolute crank --a failed, bitter crank. a failed academic, a failed trader, a failed person. Why shiller? a new obsession?
Well, it looks like he did succeed in pissing you off. Maybe that was it goal all along? BUZZ OFF YOU BITTER HACK.
courageous anonymous blog commenter: you learn more from your critics than you do others. But the criticism has to rise above ad hominem declarations.
first jim morrison above, now this. cant keep a clean blog on the intertubes anymore. show me his IP, I'll send a packet his way (maybe more pks)
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