From Sports Illustrated, discussing the kick return phenom Patrick Peterson, who ran back a 99-yard kick to beat the Rams in overtime:
Peterson, 21, had also ignored instructions. In his case it was an order to not field the ball inside his own 10-yard line. He apologized to Spencer several days later. The two had a long talk, and Spencer informed Peterson that average players need rules. Special players need guidelines. Peterson now has guidelines.
The current NFL sure seems to be exhibit a lot of fat tails. Tebow's comebacks, lots of comebacks in general, Packers possibly 16-0 while Indy possibly 0-16, 3 all time QB performances at the same time ...
Hey, maybe some cosmic joker repealed the law of gaussian distribution behind our backs a few years ago. Only partially kidding.
Apparently Jon Corzine uses "guidelines" too.
Mercury beat me to it.
Speaking of returners, here's a high school player with a 1% move.
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